Surplus for Swedish central government in January 2022

Press release 7 February 2022

Swedish central government payments resulted in a surplus of SEK 0.8 billion in January. The Debt Office's forecast was a deficit of SEK 0.5 billion.

The primary balance was SEK 4.7 billion higher than the forecast. This is mainly due to lower disbursements from a number of agencies, such as the National Agency for Education. It is mainly considered to be a redistribution between months. At the same time, tax incomes were approximately SEK 1 billion lower than estimated.

The Debt Office’s net lending to government agencies etc. was SEK 2.5 billion higher than the forecast. This is mainly due to withdrawals from the Nuclear Waste Fund.

Interest payments on central government debt were SEK 0.9 billion higher than the forecast, which is due to higher currency losses.

For the twelve-month period up to the end of January 2022, central government payments resulted in a surplus of SEK 70.9 billion.

Central government debt amounted to SEK 1 203 billion at the end of January.

The outcome for February 2022 will be published on March 7 at 8.00 a.m.

New forecast on the Swedish economy and central government borrowing will be published on February 24.

Budget balance and central government net borrowing requirement (SEK million)
 1 The net borrowing requirement corresponds to the budget balance with opposite sign.
2 Sum of monthly forecast deviations since last forecast.
3 Net of the state's primary expenditure and income.
4 The net of government agencies etc. deposits and loans in the state’s internal bank. The net lending includes both current government operations and temporary occurrences which can be decided on short notice. The net lending affects the net borrowing requirement and central government debt, but is not covered by the Central government expenditure ceiling.
* Figures marked with an asterisk were corrected on 15 February 2022, compared with the press release from 7 February 2022. The forecast of the net borrowing requirement in January was SEK 547 million, corrected to SEK 483 million. The forecast of the primary balance in January was SEK 3,274 million, corrected to SEK 3,210 million. 
 OutcomeForecastDeviationAcc. Dev.2Outcome 12-month
Budget balance 797 -483* 1 281* 56 805* 70 905
Net borrowing requirement1 -797 483* -1 281* -56 805* -70 905
Primary balance3 -1 450 3 210* -4 661* -47 642* -1 519
Net lending to agencies etc.4 511 -1 953 2 463 -11 396 -70 176
Interest payments on central government debt 142 -775 917 2 233 790
  - Interest on loans in SEK -959 -902 -57 -161 -199
  - Interest on loans in foreign currency -39 -67 28 -267 -906
  - Realised currency gains and losses 1 141 195 946 2 661 1 894

Report: Central Government Debt January 2022

More data on the borrowing requirement and government debt

The monthly outcome of the central government net borrowing requirement is included in the official statistics of Sweden.

The Debt Office published their latest forecast on the Swedish economy and central government borrowing on October 27 2021: Forecast and analysis 2021:3


Press secretary, 08-613 47 01